
天津港爆炸事故多名责任人被刑拘 (双语)

发表日期:2015-08-29    点击:
Tianjin Port president detained after explosion
Chinese authorities on Thursday formally detained the president of Tianjin Port and nine other officials deemed responsible for the chemicals warehouse explosion that killed at least 139 people this month.

Authorities are under pressure from the public to explain the speed and apparent irregularities in the issuing of permits for the company that owned the warehouse, which Chinese media have linked to the son of a former official in charge of security at Tianjin Port. Also unexplained is whether the responding firefighters, who make up about half of the dead, had any training in chemicals fires, writes Lucy Hornby in Beijing.中国当局目前面临着公众的压力,要求它对拥有该仓库的公司获颁许可证的速度、以及这一过程中明显存在的违规行为作出解释。中国媒体已表示,该公司与一名曾在天津港主管安全的官员的儿子有关。另一个有待解释的问题是,当时赶到现场救火的消防员是否接受过扑灭化学品火灾方面的培训。在此次事故中丧生的人当中,有大约一半是消防员。

The blast has highlighted questions over the management of China's ports, which are riddled with internal fiefdoms, given their importance to world trade and the growing volumes of dangerous goods they handle.考虑到中国港口对世界贸易的重要性、以及它们所处理的危险品数量与日俱增,可以说这次爆炸凸显出了它们在管理方面存在的诸多问题。如今在中国的港口,到处都是“独立王国”。

The rising death toll makes it one of China's worst industrial accidents since adopting market reforms more than three decades ago. It is still outranked by a handful of coal mine disasters and the September 2008 failure of a tailings dam in Shanxi Province that buried about 280 people in a nearby village.不断攀升的死亡人数,令这起事故成为中国改革开放30多年来最严重的工业事故之一。不过,这起事故的严重性,与几次矿难和2008年9月山西发生的尾矿库溃坝事故仍有差距。山西的那次事故导致矿区附近村庄约280人被埋葬。

The blast could result in $1.5bn in insurance claims, Fitch has estimated, including damaged residences and thousands of burnt-out cars.据惠誉(Fitch)估计,此次爆炸或导致15亿美元的保险索赔,需赔偿的资产包括受损的住宅及数千辆被烧毁的汽车。

The environmental fallout is still being assessed, with the first rains a few days later depositing foamy yellow flecks on the city while thousands of dead fish washed up on river banks. Officials have said trace elements of cyanide are "lower than the level of the land used for state exhibitions", and blamed the dead fish on normally occurring pollution in Tianjin's waters.这起事故对环境的影响仍在评估当中。爆炸几天后下的第一场雨,在天津留下了泡沫状黄色斑点,还有数以千计的死鱼被冲上河岸。中国官员们已表示,土壤中的氰化物含量“均低于国家展览会用地土壤环境质量评价标准的A级标准要求”,并表示死鱼是天津水域平常发生的污染导致的。

In addition to port president Zheng Qingyue and two of his subordinates, the detained officials were responsible for transportation, work safety, planning and customs, the official Xinhua news agency said. One was Gao Huaiyou, vice-director of the city's work safety commission, who presided over a number of press conferences in which officials were awkwardly unable to answer reporters' questions.官方通讯社新华社(Xinhua)称,除了天津港总裁郑庆跃及其两名下属,被拘留的官员还有交通运输、安全生产、规划和海关方面的负责人。其中包括天津市安监局副局长高怀友,此前他曾主持了几次新闻发布会。在那几次发布会上,官员们表现狼狈、无法回答记者们提出的问题。

Tianjin Port said in a statement to the Shanghai stock exchange on Thursday that "company management and operations are normal". Its Hong Kong listed shares have dropped nearly 30 per cent since the explosions. Trading was suspended on Thursday.周四,在一份提交给上海证交所的声明中,天津港表示“公司的管理及经营运行正常”。自爆炸发生以来,该公司H股股价已下跌近30%。周四,该公司H股停牌。

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