

发表日期:2015-08-30    点击:


Alibaba staff told to focus on their jobs as share price fal ...
Daniel Zhang, Alibaba chief executive, has told employees to “forget about the share price” and focus on their jobs as the company’s stock sank below its listing price of $68 for the first time.
阿里巴巴(Alibaba)首席执行官张勇(Daniel Zhang)告诉员工“忘掉股价”,关注工作,该公司股价首次跌破68美元的发行价。

Technology stocks have been hit by the market turmoil in China but while US groups such as Apple have seen their share prices recover, Alibaba’s have continued to languish.科技股因中国的市场动荡受到打击,然而,尽管苹果(Apple)等美国公司股价已反弹,但阿里巴巴的股价继续低迷。

Following a record-breaking listing on the New York Stock Exchange in September, which raised $25bn, Alibaba’s share price rose to $119 in November but since then has dropped as low as $58.14. It was up 6.5 per cent at $70.09 by midday yesterday.在去年9月在纽约证交所(NYSE)创纪录上市(筹资250亿美元)后,阿里巴巴股价曾在11月升至119美元,但此后一度跌至58.14美元的低点。截至昨日午盘,该股上涨6.5%,至70.09美元。

Many of Alibaba’s employees are shareholders and the share price fall has hit morale hard. But Mr Zhang delivered a stern reminder to employees yesterday to take a long view of the company’s prospects.很多阿里巴巴员工是公司股东,股价下跌严重打击了员工士气。但张勇昨日严肃提醒员工要长远看待公司前景。

“Alibaba’s values are reflected in the pursuit of our dreams and to create value for our customers. Our values do not waver with the fluctuations in stock price,” he said.他表示:“阿里巴巴的价值,体现在我们对理想的追求和为客户所创造的价值,这个价值不会随股价的变化而改变。”

“Let us remember to keep our eyes on the true prize, which is serving our customers?.?.?.?Serving our customers is the path to success to creating value for our shareholders and ourselves.”“请大家把眼光从股市回到客户身上。我们只有更好地帮助客户,服务客户,才能给股东以及我们自己创造价值。”

He added that Alibaba was “fighting just this one battle; we are in it for 102 years to win the war”, referring to founder Jack Ma’s speech last year in which he said the company would exist for at least 102 years.他补充称,阿里巴巴“不是只打一次战斗,而是102年的战争”,这里指的是阿里巴巴创始人马云(Jack Ma)曾在去年一次演讲中表示该公司将至少存活102年。

Mr Zhang also emphasised the company’s strong bank balance.张勇还强调了该公司的强大资金实力。

“Alibaba Group has hundreds of billions in cash reserves, robust cash flow and a scalable profit-generating business model. We are methodically and aggressively pressing forward with our plans for the future. We have faith in the Chinese economy, and we have faith in our team and partners.”“我们有上千亿元的现金储备、强劲的现金流以及规模化的盈利能力,我们对未来的布局在有条不紊地快速推进。我们对中国经济有信心,我们对我们的团队和伙伴有信心!”

Alibaba’s shares have been declining since January over worries about the regulatory environment in China, missed earnings forecasts and concerns about counterfeit goods on Taobao, its online ecommerce platform.

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