
中国将建立8000人的维和待命部队 (双语)

发表日期:2015-10-05    点击:


China will create an 8,000 strong peacekeeping “police squad” that could be deployed at short notice on UN peacekeeping missions, President Xi Jinping told the UN General Assembly.
中国国家主席习近平在联合国大会(UN General Assembly)上表示,中国将建立一支8000人的维和“警察部队”,供联合国(UN)维和使团随时部署。

The pledge appears to be part of China’s effort to show itself as a rising but responsible global player in the face of continued concern about its territorial ambitions.面对外界对中国领土野心持续不断的担忧,中国做出这一承诺,似乎是为了显示自身是一个不断崛起而又负责任的全球大国。

“China will join the new UN peacekeeping capability readiness system, and has thus decided to lead in setting up a permanent peacekeeping police squad and build a peacekeeping standby force of 8,000 troops,” President Xi said.习近平表示:“我宣布,中国将加入新的联合国维和能力待命机制,决定为此率先组建常备成建制维和警队,并建设8000人规模的维和待命部队。”

Mr Xi also announced on Monday $100m in funding to the African Union to support a rapid-reaction force, as well as a broader 10-year, $1bn UN-China “peace and development fund”.周一,习近平还曾宣布向非洲联盟(African Union)拨款1亿美元,支持后者建立快速反应部队,并设立为期10年、总额10亿美元的中国-联合国“和平与发展基金”。

The pledges followed a Saturday promise of $2bn in development assistance for poor nations.就在习近平做出这些承诺之前,周六他还曾承诺,向贫穷国家提供20亿美元发展援助资金。

The peacekeeping commitment comes as China eyes an ever-expanding global role, which has seen its navy, for example, operate as far afield as Africa’s coast and the Mediterranean in support of rescue missions. Last month, Chinese warships were even spotted off the coast of Alaska.就在中国提出这一维和承诺之际,该国正在谋求不断扩大其全球影响力。比如,中国海军曾在远至非洲沿岸及地中海的地区开展行动,支持相关救援活动。上个月,甚至还有人在阿拉斯加沿岸发现中国军舰。

Several of China’s neighbours, as well as the US, have voiced concern over Beijing’s territorial claims in the South China Sea, while some experts have charged that Beijing’s interest in poor nations is purely mercantile.中国的几个邻国和美国都曾对中国政府在南中国海(South China Sea)的领土诉求表示担忧。同时,部分专家还曾指责说,中国政府对贫穷国家的兴趣纯粹出于商业目的。

Mr Xi was adamant in his speech, however, that China is “committed to peaceful development. No matter how the international landscape may evolve and how strong China may become, China will never pursue hegemony [or] expansion of a sphere of influence.”不过,习近平却在他的讲话中坚称,中国“将始终做世界和平的建设者,坚定走和平发展道路,无论国际形势如何变化,无论自身如何发展,中国永不称霸、永不扩张、永不谋求势力范围”。

Both the US and China agreed to increase their commitment to UN peacekeeping during a diplomatic visit by President Xi to Washington last week.上周习近平访问华盛顿期间,美中两国都曾答应加大对联合国维和事业的支持力度。

Leaders from more than 50 countries pledged some 30,000 troops and police, as well as equipment or training for UN peacekeeping missions.逾50个国家的领导人曾承诺,将为联合国维和使团提供约3万人的部队和警察,以及相关装备或训练。

China now provides roughly 3,000 of the more than 106,500 UN troops, police and advisers deployed worldwide, making it the ninth-biggest contributor of peacekeeping personnel.目前,在10.65万部署在全球的联合国部队、警察及顾问人员中,中国派遣的人员约为3000人,是联合国第九大维和人员来源国。

Its largest contingent is in South Sudan, where it is a major investor in the oil industry.其中,规模最大的分部位于南苏丹,中国是该国石油产业的主要投资方。

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