

发表日期:2016-04-14    点击:












My first day with the Lakers, I met the team at The Ritz in Washington, D.C., and at 1:30 in the morning there was a knock on my door. I found out later that Kobe doesn’t sleep much. I sat on the bed, I think, and he sat on the table next to the TV. He welcomed me to the team, and then he told me it was “go” time. It was winning time. He felt I could take him to the top again, and he wanted to make sure I knew that. “This is our chance,” he said. It was powerful and meaningful. We were a perfect fit.  A lot of the triangle offense is based on reads and working off one another and understanding each other. I understood the game. I was meticulous about it. I think he appreciated that. I think he saw it as refreshing. Our relationship clicked from the beginning. We both knew we needed each other to succeed.

我加入湖人队的第一天,我是在华盛顿与球队会合,那是凌晨1点半,结果有人敲我的房门。我后来发现科比的睡眠时间并不多。我当时坐在床上,他坐在电视机旁的桌子上。他欢迎我加入球队,然后他告诉我是时候加油了。那是赢球时间。他感觉我可以带他重返巅峰,而且他希望确保我知道这点。“这是我们的机会。”他当时说道。这是非常有力量和有意义的话。 我们是一对完美的组合。 三角进攻里面的许多东西都是建立在读懂对方、互相配合和互相理解上。我理解比赛,我非常严谨,我认为他欣赏我这点。我认为他看到了焕然一新的面貌。我们的关系从一开始就很融洽。我们都知道我们需要对方来取得成功。


There are so many games in the NBA, it’s easy to start going through the motions. He kept everybody on edge. In practice he challenged people. He talked trash to people. It wasn’t for everybody. Some players can’t deal with that, but I didn’t mind. It was his way of motivating you and pushing you to give more. It’s easy to get comfortable. He made sure nobody was comfortable.  After we lost Game 6 to the Celtics in the 2008 Finals, we didn’t talk about it much. That was a time to digest what had happened, why we fell short and let that fire start burning in our bodies and our stomachs. We went into the next season with a different attitude—a stronger, more aggressive, more determined approach. I think that’s why we won the next two titles.

NBA的比赛很多,所以很容易会出现松懈。但是他让每个人都保持警醒。训练中,他会挑战别人。他会向别人喷垃圾话。这并不适用于所有人。有些球员无法应付,但是我不介意。这是他激励你的方式,并迫使你付出更多。让每个人感到舒服很容易,但是他确保没有人感到安逸。 当我们输掉2008年与凯尔特人的总决赛第6场之后,我们并没有谈论它很多。那是一个消化这个结果的时候,我们为什么输球,并让那股火焰在我们的体内燃烧。进入下赛季的时候,我们的态度变得不同——更加强大、更有侵略性以及更有决心。我认为这是我们随后完成两连冠的原因。


If you play with him, you’re looking every day at living proof of why the greats are the greats. It’s not by accident. It’s an obsession to reach that level and remain at that level. The dedication, the commitment, is such a unique thing. You don’t find it. He inspired me to be better, to see the game in a more detailed way.  We beat the Magic in the 2009 Finals, and everybody was happy, but it was different for him. It had a special meaning. Basketball was his life, and winning was his devotion. I’m not taking anything away from his family, which means the world to him, but basketball had so much depth to it.

如果你和他一起打球,你每天都能看到为什么伟大的球员能变得伟大。那不是巧合。这是对达到那种水准以及维持那种水准的痴迷。那种决心、承诺是非常特别的。你无法找到。他能激发你变得更好,并对比赛有更深入的了解。 2009年总决赛,我们击败了魔术,每个人都很开心。但是他不同。那具有特殊的意义。篮球是他的生命,赢球是他的热爱。我并没有忽视他的家庭,那对他意味着一切,但是篮球占据着非常深的位置。 


When the Chris Paul trade, which I was going to be a part of, was vetoed in December 2011, he was like a big brother, standing up for me. At one point he told the Lakers, “If you’re going to trade him, do what you have to do and trade him. If not, leave him alone and let him play.” 



We didn’t hang out that much off the court, but toward the end we had several meals one-on-one, and we would reminisce. When I was deciding whether to leave the Lakers in 2014, he came to my house in Redondo Beach. He said he wanted me to stay in L.A. and battle with him and finish our careers together. Those were his words. I told him I was in a place where I needed a change in my heart. I needed a change of air. It was one of the toughest things I’ve ever done, telling him, “I’m deciding not to play with you anymore.”


I signed with the Bulls because I wanted to put myself in position to win another title. I haven’t been able to do that. I miss him a lot. I miss his presence. I miss that attitude. Not many players have it. 




① “triangle ”的意思是“三角,三人一组”。“offense”文中的意思是“进攻”,另外还有“犯罪,触怒”的意思。例如:His words gave great offense to everybody present. 他的发言冲犯了在场的所有人。
② “powerful ”这里的意思是“强大的,强有力的”,例如:They maintain a very powerful fleet in Oriental waters. 他们在远东海域保持着一支非常强大的舰队。
③ “meaningful ”的原形是“mean”意思是“意思,意味”。文中意思为“有意义的,意味深长的”例如:After all, I only have one shot – like we all do – to make this life meaningful. 毕竟,我们只有一次机会来使我们的生活过的有意义。
④ “meticulous ”意思是“一丝不苟的,小心翼翼的”。例如:I am sure under you meticulous care these trees will flourish day by day. 我相信,在你们细致的照料下,这些树木每天都将茁壮成长。
⑤ “motivate ”的意思是“激励,刺激”。例如:What is motivating this person?什么在激励着这个人?
⑥ “digest ”的意思是“消化,吸收” 。例如:It often takes a long time to digest new ideas.吸收新思想往往需要很长时间。
⑦ “aggressive”的意思是“好斗的,有进取心的”,一方面有褒义,可以是有进取心的,另一方面也有贬义的意思好斗的。例如:Some children are much more aggressive than others. 一些孩子比其他孩子更好斗。
⑧ “obsession ”的意思是“痴迷,困扰”。例如:Steve Jobs — a man with an obsession for design that lasted until the very end.斯蒂夫•乔布斯——一个一辈子钟情于设计直到生命最后一刻的人。
⑨ “dedication”的意思是“奉献,献身”。例如:The word “dedication” was bandied about regularly on the newspaper. “奉献”一词在报上反复被提及。
⑩ “commitment”的意思是“承诺,保证”。例如:But I do expect some commitment to reinforce coordination. 但我认为会做出一些承诺以加强协调。
11 “reminisce”的意思是“回忆,追忆”。例如:She likes to reminisce about her childhood.她喜欢追忆她的童年。
12 “have an impact on”的意思是“对....有影响,对...有冲击”。例如:It said the operation should have an impact on all of those activities. 它说,这次行动应该会对前述这些活动产生影响。
13  “maximize ” 的意思是“取…最大值,对…极为重视”。例如:The only catch is you have to know how to use it and how to maximize its potential once you have it. 你唯一必须知道的一点就是如何利用它,并在拥有这种能量后如何最大限度地发挥其潜力。

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